Ethical Cacao Bean Sourcing: What It Is and Why It Matters

Ethical Cacao Bean Sourcing: What It Is and Why It Matters

Chocolate is one of the world's favorite snack foods. Unfortunately, unethical chocolate production practices by some companies can add an unpleasant bitterness to your snacking experience.

We believe that chocolate is a luxury everyone should be able to enjoy — but not at the expense of others' well-being. Today, the chocolate industry is rampant with one of the worst profit-boosting practices — enforced child labor. By exploiting the most vulnerable people, large corporations can hide their shady practices while keeping chocolate prices low for consumers.

Ethical chocolate production involves examining the origins of the cacao beans to make sure everyone involved in the supply chain is compensated fairly for their labor. When it comes to chocolate, the bean is the star of the bar — so why shouldn't the people growing and farming it reap a healthy reward for their hard efforts?

If you've been looking to change your chocolate snacking habits, this is a great place to start!

Understanding the different types of ethical chocolate

Ethical chocolate refers to any type of cocoa-based product that's been produced in an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, and economically sustainable manner. There are two main categories of ethical chocolate: Fair Trade certified and bean-to-bar.

Fair Trade certification is a labeling system developed to make sure farmers and workers receive fair wages and safe working conditions for their labor. Fair Trade certified products must meet specific standards, including no child or forced labor, no discrimination against workers based on gender or ethnicity, and environmental sustainability throughout the production process. These prerequisites ensure cocoa producers receive fair prices for their harvest and aren't taken advantage of by big companies or middlemen who buy their cocoa beans at low cost.

Bean-to-bar chocolate is crafted from raw cocoa beans that have gone through minimal processing before being made into bars. This type of ethical chocolate usually involves small batch production from start to finish, allowing chocolatiers to closely monitor each step in the process from sourcing the beans to packaging the finished product. Supporting small scale producers ensures that they can continue to make high quality, ethically sourced chocolates without compromising their standards or sacrificing their profits.

Ethically sourced chocolates come with numerous benefits for both producers and consumers alike. By choosing these options over conventional mass-produced chocolates, consumers can help build a more ethical and sustainable future for the chocolate industry!


Factors to consider when choosing ethically sourced chocolate

When you're trying to choose ethically sourced chocolate, there are a few important factors to consider. Deceptive marketing terms can help "greenwash" products, leading people to think a product is more ethical than it is. For example, ‘natural’ does not necessarily imply ethical sourcing (not to mention, 'natural' doesn't automatically mean 'good' — there are plenty of 'natural' ingredients that are harmful!)

Certifications such as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, and UTZ are also key indicators when considering the ethics of chocolate production. These certifications guarantee that cocoa farmers receive fair prices for their harvest and adhere to environmental standards, among other requirements. It’s also important to consider the cocoa sourcing practices of the manufacturer. Do they source directly from farmers? Are they transparent about their supply chain?

Finally, look for chocolates that are made with high-quality ingredients and minimal processing. These will often be labeled as ‘bean-to-bar’ chocolate. This type of chocolate is crafted from raw cocoa beans and undergoes less processing than traditional mass-produced chocolates. This results in a more unique flavor profile and texture that invites you to savor your snack with a clearer conscience.

Where do we get our cacao beans?

At ChocolatebyZ, we buy our beans from KahKow USA, whose partnership with Rizek Cacao in the Dominican Republic has been going strong for four generations. Their beans are UTZ Certified, Fair Trade Certified, and Rainforest Alliance Certified. As for being 'bean-to-bar' — that's our whole thing! We see our beans through the entire process, from roasting and winnowing, to pouring and packaging.

Support ethical chocolate production

The International Chocolate Initiative (ICI) is dedicated to putting an end to child labor exploitation in the chocolate industry. Explore their Knowledge Hub to learn more about the current state of labor in the chocolate industry and the people working tirelessly to make a change for the better.

Hungry? Check out our online chocolate shop